Got a question?

Will I have to print, sign, scan and email an order confirmation?

No, we use an encrypted online system that allows you to complete the order confirmation on your mobile device or computer. It is very easy to use and there is no need to download software. If you prefer, we can provide a PDF version for you to sign and scan.

Can I see and touch a planner before committing?

Yes, we can either provide an electronic copy or we will happily post or courier a hard copy to you so you can see and feel the quality of the print and paper stock we use.

What size ads are possible?

We offer many ad sizes ranging from 41cm2 to 584cm 2, see our useful tips for more information on some of the ad sizes we have available or click here to view useful tips and advert sizes. We also offer the option of A4 inserts and large labels applied to the protective packaging with your messaging blasted across it.

Is it only possible to have small ads on a wall planner?

No, we offer many ad sizes including 153x86mm and 100x584mm (HxW) which is just a little smaller than the surface area on an A4 sheet of paper! We could even make it bigger if you wanted to. We also offer the option of A4 inserts and large labels applied to the protective packaging with your messaging blasted across it.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes. We understand this is very helpful for smaller businesses. Please speak to us.

Do you provide free graphic design services?

Yes, we employ our own full-time graphic designer. We understand many smaller companies don’t have the inhouse capability to design an ad and nor do they want to pay for graphic design services.

I don’t sell ag-related products or services - can I still advertise?

Yes. We have many generic advertisers e.g. travel agents, flooring and upholstery, bedding, optometrists, physiotherapists, household appliances, schools, funeral homes, painters and decorators, and the list goes on.

What does having an exclusive ad mean?

It means there will not be a direct competitor on the same wall planner. This needs to be carefully discussed and agreed. Not all ads are exclusive – this is by arrangement only.

How are your wall planners distributed?

They are delivered to the mailboxes and PO Boxes of registered farms by NZ Rural Post.

What is a QR code?

It is a machine-scannable image that can instantly be read using a Smartphone camera. Every QR code consists of a number of black squares and dots which represent certain pieces of information. When your Smartphone scans this code, it translates that information into an instruction e.g. access a website/social media page, view a YouTube video, download an app, etc.

How can ROI be measured?

There is always going to be a grey area when it comes to marketing. Marketing is nearly always complimentary e.g. just because a client connected with a service provider via their website does not mean the website was the only form of marketing that influenced brand awareness and the decision to connect. High quality print media is well suited to using QR codes which can help provide a measure. Advertisers can also have a coupon or “mention this ad to get XYZ” as a form of measurement.

Isn’t print media dying?

No. Ever since the first website was created there has been speculation that print media’s death was imminent. This simply is not the case. Printing companies aren’t going out of business and people engage more with tangible advertising compared to intangible advertising.